When you have been charged with a DUI in New Jersey, a skilled DWI attorney can defend you by applying the facts of your case to possible defenses used to obtain dismissal. These defenses are often used by experienced lawyers and some of them involve common pitfalls that the prosecution may attempt to maneuver around. […]
DUI Charges Can Affect Child Custody-Related Issues, Especially If You are Involved in a Custody Battle in New Jersey When spouses separate, the most immediate issue to resolve is child custody. Determining where the children live is a priority for parents and family courts in New Jersey. State child custody laws help judges determine whether […]
A driver’s license is a privilege to those who earn it. You not only must take a test to show your competency in the rules of the road and the handling of a motor vehicle, but you also must show responsibility when driving. In exchange for a driver’s license, you implicitly promise not to cause […]
Hackensack DWI Lawyer Explains Charges below 0.08% BAC Did you know that you could still face consequences for DWI charges if your blood alcohol level is below the legal limit in New Jersey? In this article, you’ll learn more about the possible legal ramifications of being charged with driving under the influence even if your […]
Have You Been Charged with a Crime at a Stadium in Bergen County, NJ? Baseball season is winding up and football season is right around the corner. Whether you are cheering on your favorite sports team or watching a concert, there is always some risk of being on the wrong side of the law when […]