Cliffside Park Criminal Defense Attorneys
Lawyer Needed Criminal Charges Cliffside Park Municipal Court
Need an attorney for a criminal charge or DWI in Cliffside Park? We can help.
If you are facing criminal charges in Cliffside Park, New Jersey, it is crucial to consult with a knowledgeable criminal defense attorney about your legal options. The experienced attorneys at the Tormey Law Firm welcome the opportunity to assist you. We will evaluate every component of your case, answer all of your pressing questions, and outline the avenues available to you as we work together to achieve a positive resolution. Travis Tormey, the firm’s founder, is considered an authority on New Jersey Criminal Law and was featured in The Daily Record in an article about the immigration implications of a shoplifting conviction. He and his team of seasoned defense lawyers have handled thousands of criminal cases successfully throughout Bergen County and the state of New Jersey, with numerous victories in Cliffside Park Municipal Court and Bergen County Superior Court. Defending clients facing charges such as disorderly conduct, trespassing, and marijuana possession, the criminal defense lawyers at The Tormey Law Firm have developed an arsenal of defense strategies for beating these charges. Contact our offices anytime at (201)-330-4979 for a free initial consultation with a Cliffside Park criminal defense lawyer who can assist you. You can also reach out to us online.
Want to know how our defense attorneys successfully handle criminal charges in Cliffside Park Municipal Court? Check out how we were able to get simple assault charges dismissed in a Cliffside Park domestic violence case.
Cliffside Park Municipal Court Information
Cliffside Park is a borough in Bergen County, NJ. The borough is conveniently located between the Lincoln Tunnel and the George Washington Bridge. Cliffside Park has more than 23,000 residents and a total area of just under one square mile.The Cliffside Park Municipal Court is located at 525 Palisade Avenue, Room 321 in the Municipal Complex. The court office is open Monday-Friday 9:00am to 3:00pm, and the court office can be contacted directly at 201-313-2018.
For more information on the Cliffside Park Municipal Court, please visit their website.
Cliffside Park Municipal Court Information:
- Hon. Michael S. Shuhala is the Judge.
- Arthur Balsamo, Esq. is the Prosecutor.
- Linda D’Angelo is the Court Administrator.
Directions to Cliffside Park Municipal Court:
Other Helpful Links and Information About Cliffside Park NJ
- Cliffside Park Borough Website
- The Cliffside Park Police Department is located at 525 Palisade Avenue and can be contacted at 201-945-3600. For more information on the Cliffside Park Police Department, please visit their website.
Consult a Cliffside Park Possession of CDS Defense Lawyer Today
For additional information about your Cliffside Park criminal or traffic case, please contact us anytime at (201)-330-4979 for a free consultation, or use our online contact form. Our Hackensack office is conveniently located in the heart of Bergen County, just steps from the Hackensack Municipal Court and Bergen County Superior Court. One of our criminal defense attorneys will be happy to discuss your case over the phone or to schedule an appointment to meet with you in person.