Bogota Criminal Defense Lawyers
Disorderly Persons and DWI Defense in the Borough of Bogota NJ
Do you need a criminal lawyer in Bogota in Bergen County? You’ve come to the right place. If you are facing a criminal charge in Bogota, New Jersey, it is important to obtain reputable legal advice as soon as you as possible. A charge for a disorderly persons offense for shoplifting can expose you to up to 6 months in the county jail and a fine of up to $1,000, not to mention you will have a criminal conviction on your record. Charges for driving under the influence (DUI) also entail fines and jail exposure, plus suspension of your driver’s license. Whatever that charges against you, you need to mount an aggressive defense to minimize or avoid serious penalties. Fortunately, the criminal defense lawyers at the Tormey Law Firm have years of experience defending clients in criminal cases in Bogota and throughout New Jersey. The firm’s founding partner, Travis J. Tormey, is a former employee of the U.S. Attorney’s Office, where he worked on federal prosecutions before transitioning to criminal defense. He and his attorneys have successfully overcome criminal charges including marijuana possession, simple assault, and credit card fraud on behalf of clients in Bogota and surrounding Bergen County municipalities. For a free consultation with an experienced Bogota criminal defense attorney, contact our offices at (201)-330-4979 or contact us online.
Bogota Municipal Court Information
When a person is charged with a petty disorderly persons offense or disorderly persons offense in New Jersey, their case is handled in the local municipal court associated with that municipality. The same is also true for traffic violations and drunk driving. Thus, if you are facing charges in Bogota for a petty disorderly persons offense like disorderly conduct or harassment, a disorderly persons offense like possessing drug paraphernalia, or a motor vehicle violation like DWI, your case will be handled at the Municipal level. Currently, Bogota Municipal Court business is being conducted at Little Ferry Municipal Court. For additional information, read this page.
The Bogota / Little Ferry Municipal Court is located at 215 Liberty Street in Little Ferry, NJ. The court office is open Monday-Thursday 9:00am to 4:00pm, and the court office can be contacted directly at 201-440-2111.
For more information on the Bogota / Little Ferry Municipal Court, please visit their website.
Bogota / Little Ferry Municipal Court Information:
- Hon. Guiseppe L. Randazzo is the Judge.
- Beth Crusius is the Prosecutor.
- Deborah Brothers is the Court Administrator.
Directions to Bogota / Little Ferry Municipal Court:
Will I Have a Criminal Record if Convicted of an Offense in Bogota?
When determining whether or not a conviction will appear on your criminal record, it depends on what charges you are facing. A criminal offense, whether it be a disorderly persons or petty disorderly persons offense (misdemeanor), or an indictable crime (felony), will show on a background check. On the other hand, DUI charges are technically traffic infractions so they do not show up as a conviction in the same manner as a criminal offense does. Also, if you have a domestic violence case in Bogota, any criminal offenses associated with the case will become part of your criminal record, but a restraining order will not. Despite this, final restraining orders have extreme consequences. For instance, those subject to FROs are forced to forfeit their ability to own or possess weapons in addition to being placed on the domestic violence registry. When our clients are facing criminal and restraining order proceedings based on allegations of domestic abuse, we handle the entire situation and provide zealous defense representation.
Fortunately, many criminal offenses become eligible for expungement after a specified waiting period. The time that you are required to wait to expunge your criminal record is decided by several factors, including the degree of the charges and the ultimate resolution of your case. So, if your charges are dismissed, you become eligible for expungement immediately. On the other hand, if you completed the conditional discharge program to have the case dismissed, your expungement must wait for six months from the completion date of the program. Our attorneys handle the entire court process and the expungement process as well, so please feel free to contact us at our services as it relates to both parts of your case.
Other Helpful Links and Information About Bogota, NJ
Bogota is a borough in Bergen County, NJ. The borough, which has a total area of 0.813 square miles, is located on the east shore of the Hackensack River. The borough has a population of more than 8,000. Residents have convenient access to major highways, shopping centers, and public transportation. Although no major highways travel directly through the borough, several highways, including Interstate 80 and 4, are easily accessible, providing access to the New Jersey Turnpike, the Garden State Parkway, and the George Washington Bridge. The following will provide further information about the borough of Bogota.
- Bogota Borough Website
- The Bogota Police Department is located at 375 Larch Avenue in Bogota, NJ and can be contacted at 201-487-2400. For more information on the Bogota Police Department, please visit their website.
Contact Bogota Disorderly Conduct Attorneys to Discuss Your Case
If you are facing criminal or DWI charges in Bogota, NJ, call the Tormey Law Firm today to be put in direct contact with an experienced criminal defense attorney who can answer any questions you may have. The phone number is (201)-330-4979 and the initial consultation is free.