Fight a Simple Assault Charge in Rutherford NJ

Disorderly Persons Charge Dismissed Rutherford Court Thanks to Our Lawyers

Simple Assault Arrest Charges Bergen County NJ Lawyer NeededHave you or a loved one been charged with simple assault in Bergen County? We can help. Here is a case we handled in 2018 for a client facing simple assault charges where we were able to get the case completely dismissed.

Simple Assault Charges in Rutherford Court NJSA 2C:12-1(a) – Domestic Violence Call

Simple assault is a misdemeanor level charge in New Jersey, known as a disorderly persons offense. This is punishable by a $1,000 fine, up to six (6) months in the Bergen County jail, probation, and a permanent criminal charge on your record if convicted. Our client and his girlfriend had an argument at their home in Rutherford NJ and the police were called. Unfortunately, the alleged victim had a cut on her hand so the police decided to charge the defendant with misdemeanor assault. Our client had no prior criminal history and this conviction would significantly impact his life and his career.

Enter Not Guilty Plea, Request Discovery Evidence, Appear in Court for Conference

After hiring the Tormey Law Firm, we entered our appearance and a plea of not guilty for the defendant. We requested all of the discovery evidence from the Rutherford police department. This evidence package usually includes police reports, videos, witness statements, etc.

Luckily, when we appeared in court, the alleged victim also appeared and told the prosecutor that nothing happened and she did not want to proceed with the charges. Without her cooperation and testimony against the defendant, the State would not be able to prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt. Based on these issues, the prosecutor agreed to dismiss the charges completely.

The charges were dismissed by the Judge. Thus, the defendant has no criminal history from this event. The only record is of the arrest since he was fingerprinted and processed. Our lawyers assisted him in filing an expedited expungement with the court to have his arrest record removed as well. Once the expungement goes through, it is as if this unfortunate incident never occurred.

Arrested Simple Assault Rutherford NJ? Need Lawyer? Call Us

If you or a loved one needs assistance with a domestic violence related arrest in Bergen County, contact our office immediately for a free consultation.


If you’ve been charged with a criminal offense, disorderly persons offense, or traffic / DWI violation, you have the right to an attorney who will defend you against your charges and fight for your best interests. To learn more about how your attorney can fight to have your charges dismissed or reduced, click a link below to see our video library of legal defenses and strategies.