Ramapo College Students in Mahwah NJ Charged with Assault after Fight over Cigarette Smoke
Police officers recently arrested two college students in Mahwah New Jersey after the two individuals allegedly got into a violent fight stemming from an argument over cigarette smoke.
The incident occurred at the College Park Apartments, a dorm apartment building at Ramapo College of New Jersey in Mahwah, New Jersey. One of the suspects, a 19-year-old male from Wyckoff, reportedly became angry at two people who were smoking outside the dorm complex because their cigarette smoke flowed into his room.
The two people allegedly smoking cigarettes were a 22-year-old foreign exchange student at Ramapo College and a 22-year-old male who was visiting from Arlington, Virginia. The Virginia man was later barred from setting foot on the Ramapo College campus.
Law enforcement later said that the initial verbal exchange between the students was a “heated argument,” with the Wyckoff student reportedly coming outside to confront the smokers. The student then allegedly returned to his room, grabbed a knife, and came back outside to continue arguing with the other individuals.
The verbal altercation quickly turned physical, with the Wyckoff NJ student allegedly brandishing the knife and trying to stab the other individuals.
The Wyckoff student was later placed under arrest and charged with numerous crimes, including aggravated assault, possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose, and unlawful possession of a weapon.
The other two suspects were arrested and charged with simple assault, which is classified as a disorderly persons offense in New Jersey.
After Ramapo College officials received word of the violent altercation and the arrests, both college students in the fight were suspended from the school.
For additional information about this case, read the NJ.com article, “Ramapo College Students Charged after Fight over Cigarette Smoke.”