Pair Accused of Burglarizing Home in Garfield, New Jersey
Police in Garfield New Jersey recently arrested to local individuals accused of burglarizing a residence.
Police received a call about a break-in at a house on Orchard Street in Garfield, NJ. When officers arrived at the scene, a resident of the house said that their bedroom had been looted. The resident told police that the suspects stole several hundred dollars, as well as pieces of jewelry.
Police officers searched the exterior of the house and learned that the burglars got into the home by using a first-floor window.
During a follow-up investigation in the area of the house, Garfield detectives reportedly spotted the male suspect.
When officers checked on the suspect, they reportedly discovered that he had a bench warrant out for his arrest. The 26-year-old suspect was then placed under arrest and transported to Garfield police headquarters.
Garfield detectives continued to investigate and later linked a 23-year-old female suspect to the burglary as well.
Both the male suspect and the female suspect have been charged with burglary and theft of movable property.
If either suspect is convicted of burglary, they could be subject to severe penalties. As set forth by N.J.S.A. 2C:18-2, burglary is a third degree criminal offense. A conviction on third degree burglary charges can potentially result in a sentence of 3–5 years in NJ State Prison.
After being placed under arrest, both suspects had their bail amounts set at $30,000.
For further information about this case, access the article entitled “2 Charged in Garfield Home Burglary.”