Dover NJ Police Chase, Arrest Man Accused of Burglary

By Travis Tormey posted in Theft Offenses on Thursday, November 28, 2013

Dover NJ Burglary AttorneysA Dover NJ man was chased down by officers who were investigating an attempted burglary.

Dover police officers responded to a two-family house on Oak Street, where a resident had reported a break-in. The resident told police that someone had tried to pry open a door to the house. The resident also provided police with a description of the burglar.

Sometime later, a police officer inside a local Laundromat on Elm Street saw a person matching the description. The police officer approached 34-year-old Armando Echevarria, who initially stopped but then began to run away from the officer. After a brief chase, officers caught Mr. Echevarria and placed him under arrest.

According to police, Mr. Echevarria attempted to get rid of a pair of gloves from his pocket while he ran. Officers allegedly found in Mr. Echevarria’s possession a screwdriver and a gold-colored necklace.

Mr. Echevarria has been charged with burglary, resisting arrest, and obstruction, in addition to other related charges.

In New Jersey, burglary is governed by N.J.S.A. 2C:18-2. Prosecutors typically charge burglary as a third degree felony. If Mr. Echevarria is convicted of third degree burglary, he could be sentenced to up to five (5) years in NJ State Prison.

After being arrested and charged, Mr. Echevarria was taken to the Morris County Correctional Facility, where he was being held on $75,000 bail.

For more information about this case, see the article entitled “Dover Man Accused of Trying to Break into Home, Running from Cops.


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