Man Busted for Heroin Possession Leads Mahwah Police to Heroin Dealer
By Travis Tormey posted in Drug Charges on Monday, June 17, 2013
A heroin addict turned in his dealer to Mahwah police, and, as a result, both men landed behind bars.
Mahwah police dispatchers received a call about a disheveled man walking along Franklin Turnpike and asking passing cars for a ride to the hospital. When police officers arrived at the scene, they found 29-year-old New City resident Kenneth Hoyt sweating profusely and bleeding from his arm.
The officers performed a pat-down on Mr. Hoyt, which turned up a hypodermic needle in his pocket. As a result, Mr. Hoyt was taken into custody. Later, officers found 10 glassine bags on Mr. Hoyt.
When interviewed at Mahwah police headquarters, Mr. Hoyt revealed that he had bought the heroin from a friend, 29-year-old Monsey NY resident Ryan Papini.
A detective later located and questioned Mr. Papini, who admitted to selling the heroin. Mr. Papini revealed to the officer five (5) glassine packets of heroin. Police also found a hypodermic needle in a garbage can at Mr. Papini’s workplace on Franklin Turnpike.
Mr. Hoyt was charged with possession of heroin and possession of a hypodermic needle. Meanwhile, Mr. Papini was charged with distribution of heroin, possession of heroin, and possession of a hypodermic needle.
In New Jersey, the penalties for possession of heroin are laid out in N.J.S.A. 2C:35-10. Possession of a small amount of heroin is a third degree crime. A glassine bag typically contains only a small amount of heroin, so Mr. Hoyt is likely to be charged with third degree heroin possession. If convicted, Mr. Hoyt could face a period of incarceration of three (3) to five (5) years in New Jersey State Prison.
Meanwhile, Mr. Papini might face second degree or third degree heroin distribution charges, depending on the total amount of heroin found on him. If convicted, Mr. Papini could be sentenced to up to 10 years in prison.
For more information, see the article entitled “Police: Heroin User Leads Police to Dealer Operating Out of Mahwah Business.“
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